Milwaukee’s Addiction would like to thank everyone that came out to Paulie’s Pub and Eatery last night for our multiple birthday bonanza! No less than 4 of our rockin’ friends celebrated their b-days and whoa, there was some good times flowing, if you know what I mean! Birthday girlsMaribeth, Kelly & Pauladanced their tails off all night long and birthday boy Stevenjoined us on stage to sing one of his faves, ‘Let if Go’ from Def Leppard, and he rocked it! Eddieof Motley Brue also joined us to belt out our Motley Crue favorite, SOS and nailed it, as usual! We saw many familiar faces and also new ones too, some all the way from Green Bay! Special thanks go out to all of our fans, friends and families that come out and support us, and other local music too! We’d also like to thank Paul for allowing us to once again, invade his fine establishment and kind of blow the doors off. We appreciate the hospitality. 😉 Also, thanks to Angelo andJon and ALM Fusion for doing sound & lights like only they can. That was one hell of night! Hope you can join us this Sat. (11/18) at Knucklehead Pub or next Sat. (11/25) at Kelly’s Bleachers Big Bend – KBBB.
Happy Birthday to our friends: Steven, Maribeth, Paula & Kelly!