Hey friends, Milwaukee’s Addiction would like to thank everyone that came out to Mo’s Irish Pub Wauwatosa last night. We had a really fun crowd that just OWNED the dance floor! Special thanks go to our friend and local musician extraordinaire, Eddie from CategoryX and Motley Brue, and also Milwaukee’s own Nikki Sixx, Taylor for singing a few songs with us and just nailing it! Then there was the boisterous bunch of beauties from Kansas City that helped our usual crew of lovely ladies sing the backups on “Girls, Girls, Girls”! I’m sure Vince, Nikki and co. would be proud. 🙂 The Trunk of Junk returned and we got a few right and we got stumped too. You guys ask some weird shit, heh. You know though, our fans, and our friends and crowds like last night really take it to the next level. It looked to me like everyone there was havin’ a pretty damn good time, including the band of course! 🙂