Milwaukee’s Addiction would like to thank everyone that came out to The Saloon on Calhoun Jan 5th! That was an amazing crowd and a kick ass way to start 2019! We saw so many of our friends there, many from other bands too. We all know there’s a lot of choices around town, so we’re always thankful for all your support! Special thanks to Dave and The Saloon on Calhoun for having us, Danand Glennfor running sound and lights for us like complete pros, our special guest Cheriefor nailing the Ozzy & Lita duet once again, special guest Wallyfor joining us for ‘Shapes of Things’ and of course, all of our fans, friends and families that continue to come out and support Addiction and other local bands! Happy 2019, my friends! Hope to see ya at Paulie’s Jan 26!